It is hard to dislike a place where you’ve been laughing every five minutes. And eating good food. And having great conversations with random strangers. And making new friends. Where good natured ribbing, flamboyance, art, tradition and culture blend smoothly into the potpourri of life. In short, it is hard to dislike...

When I was young, my Grandpa’s brother would always bring story books when he came a-visiting. Today many things have been forgotten and he is no more, but he stays stuck in my head as a memory: the “cool” person who’d always bring me books.

I have gradually come to the realization that one of the most valuable qualities in a person is ‘easy’-ness.

I refer to ‘easy’ as the quality of being easy to be with. Easy is low maintenance. Easy is a low energy, undemanding state. You are easy when people feel absolutely comfortable around you, knowing that you are not judging them and they don’t have to jump through hoops to gain your acceptance. Easy is when you take people and things as they are. Easy is when you don’t need attention. Easy is when you don’t insist on the world catering to your idiosyncrasies. Easy is when you don’t fret over having things exactly as you want. Easy is when you are okay with whatever happens. Easy is when you have no expectations of others. Easy is when you are not annoying.. or a pain in the ass. Easy is happy-go-lucky.. generally, very happy!