On 22 January 2016, I successfully defended my PhD thesis, titled Reference Architectures for Highly Automated Driving.

As is common in the Nordic countries, the thesis is compilation thesis, which is different from the traditional monograph format. A compilation thesis consists of a dense synthesis and summary of the dissertation (the “kappa”) followed by individual publications (of which there were 7 in my case).

The following thesis parts are individually available

The kappa : An overview and synthesis of the entire thesis
Publication A : Architecture challenges for intelligent autonomous machines – An industrial perspective
Publication B : The development of a cooperative heavy-duty vehicle for the GCDC 2011 – Team Scoop
Publication C : A reference architecture for cooperative driving
Publication D : A functional reference architecture for autonomous driving
Publication E : Systems engineering and architecting for intelligent autonomous systems
Publication F : A functional brake architecture for autonomous heavy commercial vehicles
Publication G : Architecture support for automobile autonomy: A state of the art survey